
Lovely, Inspiring, Bonkers.

Whom I am most grateful.

The one who I want to share my life with.

And the one who I will love here everafter.

Live & Love & Be Carefree

I will always strive to be better because of you

How can I express in words they very things that cannot be said as such.

I love you.  So much more than just that, but just that.  Please accept these simple words as an expression of so much more.


Your Dedicated Love

Know that I am here for you. 

You need but call my name.

I Dream of You...

- The Colors of Love

- Living Dreams

- Sing me Songs of Joy

- Finding Paaradise

- The Little Things Matter

- Forever Friend

I Will Stand

Let this Page be an Everlasting, Ever-growing Testament of my Love for You.